What is the blank media levy and who pays it?

The blank media levy is a fee for the private copying of protected works on analogue and digital phonograms, audiovisual and other data carriers which are suitable for recording/storing and playing music, films, images and other data. Besides conventional audiotapes...

Copies of literary and artistic works

When renting (i.e. transferring for use in return for payment) copies of literary and artistic works, the effect of Art. 13 CopA on the principle of exhaustion must be considered. According to the principle of exhaustion, the person who is granted ownership of the...

Rentals and loans

In both cases, i.e. rental (Art. 253 SCO) and loan for use (Art. 305 SCO), an item is given to a third party to use with the obligation to return it. The essential difference is that a rental fee is payable when renting an item, but the loan of an item is usually free...

Copyright and the right of ownership

If third parties have acquired the ownership (Art. 641 SCC) of a protected work (e.g. someone bought a painting by Artist X), they may have become the owner of the work, but they do not have “carte blanche” to do anything they want with the work. They are bound by...

What are ghostwriters?

Ghostwriters are writers (and thus authors) of a work (e.g. an autobiography or a speech). They do not identify themselves as the author, but write the work on behalf of someone else (e.g. a politician), in whose name the work is published. This is legally permitted...