Latest news
17. 10. 2024 – When is a work protected by copyright? – Originality
This time, we're diving deep into what originality really means in the world of copyright protection. Here's a quick tip: Ask yourself if others would have created the same work given the same task. Check out the video for some compelling examples that illustrate...
12.11.24 – “Linking Open Data to your Research Articles Workshop”
💫 We’re excited to invite you to our upcoming workshop, "Linking Open Data to your Research Articles" hosted in Lugano by the Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication, CCDigitallaw and USI’s eLab - eLearning Lab and organized within the project Open Data...
Curious about whether librarians are allowed to share entire journals and single scientific articles? Check out our carousel!
11.10.2024 – When is a work protected by copyright? – Human Creation
Exciting News - We’re thrilled to share our very first Video Pill! In this debut episode, we explore a crucial topic: the importance of human contribution in copyright protection and what it means for works created by AI. Stay tuned and join us on this fascinating...
On the 1st August, 2024 the European AI Act will come into force.
Be aware of it as it is also relevant for Switzerland! It applies not only to AI providers and users located in the European Union but also to those of third countries if the created AI outputs can be used in the EU.
25.07.2024 – Understanding Personal Data Processing
🎯 This visual summary offers an exploration of data protection, explaining every step of the process comprehensively. 💫
18.07.2024 – Understanding the key figures in Data Protection
🎯 Check out this graphic that outlines the actors involved in the field of Data Protection, both in Switzerland according to Federal and Cantonal acts, and under the GDPR 💫
11.07.2024 – Understanding Personal vs. Sensitive Data: What’s the Difference❓
🎯 In this post, we’re diving into the key distinctions between personal data and sensitive data, illustrated in a graphic. ❗ It's important to remember: while all sensitive data are personal data, not all personal data are sensitive data. 💫
08.07.2024 – Delving Deeper into the New Federal Act on Data Protection
🎯 This visual summary highlights the key changes, principles and goals behind the new Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP).This comprehensive reform is designed to enhance data privacy and security, providing robust protection...
22.05.2024 – Understanding Copyright Issues with Derivative Works
Understanding #copyright issues with #derivative#works: Insights inspired by the Zhan vs Dieschburg Case. Considering the recent Luxembourg court decision in the case of Jinjina Zhan and Jeff Dieschburg, we want to share some helpful #tips on navigating copyright...
Archived news
New webinar on the 31st of August 2023

Within the project “Regulatory Framework” financed by swissuniversities, we are organizing a webinar about “if and how a researcher may republish their scientific publications as open access“.
The webinar is mainly addressed to those supporting researchers in the publication process (e.g. libraries, research support offices, open access units/offices) but also researchers themselves.
The webinar will be held on Thursday, 31 August 2023, online on Microsoft Teams from 13:00 to 14:30.
8.5.2023 – Workshops about Second Publication Right

3 dates in 3 locations for the workshop about the SECOND PUBLICATION RIGHT (OA’s green road), very useful for all researchers who publish scientific articles.
Choose the date and place that suits you best!
14.3.2023 – Webinar über Persönliche Daten und Datenschutz im Schulkontext

Für die Lehrpersonen: LerNetz Schule entwickelt wirkungsvolle Lernangebote für deinen Unterricht. Stöbere in ihren Lehrmitteln, lerne sie in einem Workshop kennen und lass dich inspirieren.
Im Rahmen des Projekts MAPAW (Make A Privacy Aware World) bieten wir mehreren Workshops an.
Melde dich jetzt an!
Webinar: Legal issues in research data management – DMLaw Tool, a web-based guiding tool for researchers
Tue, 30 March 2021 10:00
Is research data protected by the Swiss Copyright Act? When is my research data truly anonymized? What is the difference between anonymization and pseudonymisation? How am I supposed to deal with personal data collected during an interview? Am I allowed to re-use my colleague’s data in my own research? How can I publish my research data as Open Access?
These and other legal questions related to research data management will be discussed during the launch of the DMLawTool .
In the last years the discussions regarding Copyright and Data Protection in the academic environment have become more frequent and articulated. For instance, the Swiss National Science Foundation asks researchers to provide a Data Management Plan (DMP) to qualify for funds, and, one of the aspects that must be addressed in a DMP is actually related to data protection. In recent years, several research data archiving platforms have emerged, allowing researchers to store data in a technically safe and secure way. However, there is still much uncertainty with regard to legal aspects related to data collection, processing and archiving practices.
In order to help researchers to disentangle themselves from these new and growing demands, USI – Università della Svizzera italiana and UNINE – the University of Neuchatel have developed a web-based tool (within the framework of the swissuniversities P-5 programme “Scientific information”) that guides researchers through the most relevant legal aspects of research data management . As the legal liability of archived data lies generally with the researchers, the goal of DMLawTool (Data Management Law Tool) is to help researchers find possible solutions to legal issues ranging from copyright (is my data protected by copyright and if yes, do I own the rights?), to data protection (what is personal data? what is anonymized data?) and licensing (which license should I choose for my data?). The suggested solutions try to favor (wherever possible) open access and re-use of data practices.
Join us on March 30, 2021 for the launch event of the DMLawTool!
- 10.00 – 10.10, Welcome & Introduction to Project – Anna Picco Schwendener (USI)
- 10.10 – 10.20, The questions behind research data management and open access – Aude Bax de Keating (swissuniversities)
- 10.20 – 11:00, The importance of legal aspects for research data management – in conversation with two legal experts – Nathalie Tissot (UNINE) and Bertil Cottier (UNIL), moderated by Anna Picco-Schwendener (USI)
- 11:00 – 11:10 Questions from the public and discussion with the legal experts
- 11:10 – 11:20 Presentation of the DMLawTool and its functionalities
- 11:20 – 11:40 Working through two real cases with the DMLawTool
- 11:40 – 11:50 Questions and Discussion
- 11:50 – 12:00 Closing remarks
The participation in the event is free and open to everyone. Please register (no later than March 29, 2021) by using the form below.
The event will take place online on Zoom and will be held in English. The link to attend the online event will be sent to registered participants a few days before the event.
The event is going to be recorded and the recording will be stored for internal purposes. The recording of the conversation between the legal experts and the demonstration of the tool will be published on the website. By default, participants’ contributions/interactions will not be published.
31.08.2018 – Follow us on Social Media
31.08.2018 – New Chapter on Copyright & Social Media

Do you know what happens in terms of copyright when you upload a work on social media?
Find it out in the new chapter on Copyright & Social Media, which is now available on our platform in French. The English, German and Italian versions will be uploaded soon! Enjoy
31.08.2018 – New design of CCdigitallaw platform

In the last months we completely redesigned the CCdigitallaw platform. Enjoy the new design by browsing through different showcases or by having a look at our services. What do you think about the newly designed platform? Let us know, we appreciate every feedback!
13.09.2018 – Webinar: Exception to Copyright for Educational Purposes

On Friday, October 12th at 11am the new webinar offered by CCdigitallaw will take place. Vincent Salvadé (SUISA, UNINE) will introduce the exception to copyright for educational purposes and will explain how to use it.
The webinar will take place in French and is open to everyone. Please register here!
15.10.2018 – Materials of Webinar on Exception to Copyright for Educational Purposes

- Presentation Slides
- Webinar recording
- Q&A sheet with answers to questions that emerged during the webinar
All information regarding the webinar can be found here.
28.05.2019 – Webinar: Open Access et Droit d’auteur

Friday, June 7th, 2019 at 10am there will be a webinar about Open Access and Copyright. The webinar is kindly offered by the Research and International Relations Department of the University of Lausanne in collaboration with CCdigitallaw. Yves Bauer will introduce you to the topic of Open Access and Copyright with a particular focus on the academic world. The webinar will start with a more theoretical part which is then followed by a discussion session of your specific questions.
The webinar will be held in French and is open to everyone. Please register here!
13.09.2018 – Webinar: Exception to copyright for educational purposes
On Friday, October 12th at 11am the new webinar offered by the Competence Center will take place. Vincent Salvadé will introduce the exception for educational purposes and will explain how to use it.
The webinar will take place in French and is open to everyone. Please register here!
26.06.2018 – Available Resources of Webinar Copyright & Social Media
The video recordings and the slides presented by Yves Bauer are now available online.
You can download them from the webinar page.
01.06.2018 – Webinar: Copyright & Social Media
On Tuesday, June 26th at 11am the fourth webinar offered by the Competence Center will take place. Yves Bauer will introduce the topic of Copyright & Social Media. The webinar will take place in English and is open to everyone. Please register here!
07.05.2018 – Webinar: A Guide to Free and Open Source Software
The recordings of CCdigitallaw’s first podcast series on free and open source software are now available on the webinar page.
On Thursday, May 24th at 11 am the third webinar offered by the Competence Center will take place. Melanie Graf will answer to questions related to the podcast series. The webinar will take place in english and is open to everyone. Please register here!
15.12.2017 – Available Resources of Webinar Plagiarism and Good Scientific Practice
Presentation slides and answers to the questions that emerged during the webinar are now available on the webinar page.
05.12.2017 – Webinar Plagiarism and Good Scientific Practice
On WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5th at 11am the second WEBINAR offered by the Competence Center will take place. Danielle Kaufmann will introduce the topic of plagiarism and good scientific practice. The webinar will take place in German and is open to everyone. Please register here!
11.09.2017 – Job Vacancy – Legal expert
The University of Basel is looking for a legal expert to join the CCdigitallaw team. If you are interested, please have a lookg at the job advertisment here (in German).
26.06.2017 – Q&A from Webinar Creative Commons
ANSWERS to the questions that emerged during the WEBINAR on Creative Commons are now available on the webinar page. Please have a look at them!
30.05.2017 – Available Resources of Webinar Creative Commons
The VIDEO RECORDINGS and the SLIDES presented by Hermine Lacour during the first webinar offered by the Competence Center on May 29th are now available online.
You can download them from the webinar page.
04.05.2017 – Webinar Creative Commons
On MONDAY, MAY 29th at 11am the first WEBINAR offered by the Competence Center will take place. Hermine Lacour will introduce the topic of CREATIVE COMMONS. The webinar will take place in English and is open to everyone. Please register here!