Thu, 24 May 2018 11:00


This time we approach the topic in a slightly different way: a podcast series composed of four episodes will introduce you to the topic. During a follow-up webinar we will then discuss and answer your questions related to free and open source software and provide you some further examples. The podcast series introduces you to the basics of free and open source software. You will learn how to recognize free and open source software and how to distinguish between different free and open source software licenses. Furthermore, you will be shown what uses of free and open source software are allowed and what obligations you have when distributing it.  

On May 24th, 2018 from 11:00 to 12:00 we will answer your questions on the topic of free and open source software and show you some examples online during a webinar. If you are interested in it, please subscribe to the webinar using the form below in this page. The webinar will be given via SWITCHinteract. It will last up to a maximum of one hour and will be held in English.

The participation in the webinar is free and open to everyone. The link to attend it will be given to registered participants a few days before the webinar. In order to best answer your questions, we kindly ask you to send them to us by Monday, May 21st to the following address:



  • Episode 1: Basics of Free and Open Source Software
    The first episode explains what free and open source software is and introduces the relevant technical basics of what a software is.
    Please find here the link to the podcast (13 minutes) and the script of the first episode.
  • Episode 2: Free and Open Source Software Licenses
    In the second part you will learn the difference between free software licenses and open source software as well as the difference between the free software definition and the open source software definition. Furthermore, you will discover where to find free and open source software licenses.
    Please find here the link to the podcast (8 minutes) and the script of the second episode.
  • Episode 3: How to Choose the Right Free and Open Source Software License?
    In the third episode you will discover the two main categories of free and open source software licenses – permissive and copyleft licenses – and you will learn how to distinguish them.
    Please find here the link to the podcast (10 minutes) and the script of the third episode.
  • Episode 4: Are You Allowed to Sell Copies of Your Free and Open Source Software?
    The fourth and last episode explains the difference between money that is exchanged for the software code itself and money that is exchanged for copyrights protecting the software code.
    Please find here the link to the podcast (6 minutes) and the script of the fourth episode.

Melanie Graf

Melanie Graf is a member of CCdigitallaw and a legal counsel at the University Library Basel. She is specialized in intellectual property law and licensing in the context of new technologies.